Leanne Tillaart, Award Winning Sales Professional, Woman, Mom and Human Being
If you have ever had a curiosity about whether sales is right for you, or how you can be successful in sales, or how women can be successful in sales then you will definitely want to hear this interview with Leanne Tillaart.
On being a parent: “It’s important to start young with our kids, lead by example and create the path for them. It’s important to set the foundation early.”
On companies: “I can’t ever say I’ve ever worked in a company where there were equal number of men and women in the sales division.”
On selling: “Sales has always been a draw for me, a pull. and it’s less of selling more of solving a problem. It’s only recently that I would have told you I worked in sales. It always came with a negative connotation. Now I realize the power in being a people-connector.”
On why women should consider sales: “I have freedom and flexibility that I wouldn’t in a 9-to-5 job. Despite stereotypes I think sales has allowed me more opportunity to be a mom or wife or sit on the PTA than in a 9-5 job. Sales is a good way to make a really good living and you don’t need a crazy level of education to do so.”
On culture: “I’m a firm believer that sales is a team sport, it may be comprised of a bunch of individuals but ultimately you can’t do it without other people.”
On advice for beginners: “Sales is not just a skill set it’s a craft; you have to hone it and you have to work on it.”
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